After presenting at the Feminist Porn Conference in April, my post-graduate plans were decided: to enter the sex and wellness industry on a less academic, more people oriented level. I had visions of grandeur that I would leave Athens, Ohio for a city with a women centered sex-positive shop like Good Vibes where my dreams of helping folks with their questions on sexuality would come true.

 I can't afford to move somewhere like that just yet.

So I took a job at a sex shop in West Virginia. Industrial park style, behind a (perhaps functioning but nearly abandoned) truck stop off a major highway.

Not exactly my vision but I love what I do.  I wanted to place my work in a larger context. And HERE I AM.

My intent for this blog is multi-fold. On a basic level, sex-toy and porn reviews will make a majority of my posts. I also want to account for my experiences, reach out to others, and bring some much needed sex-positive info to an area that is deprived of it: Appalachia.

But I figure I should prolly introduce myself:

You can call me Peep, for now. I'm finishing my thesis on feminist pornography and women's sexuality in 21st century film and video culture. I have presented excerpts from my thesis and given workshops on various issues regarding gender and sexuality across the United States and Abroad. I taught two courses : "Beyond the Gaze: Feminist Film Critique and Theory" and "Screening Sex: Intro to Porn Studies." I've additionally given lectures and workshops on queer femininity and identify as (a) queer femme.

For the most part I'm a theory nerd. But a thinker cannot live on theory alone. And that's why I'm here!

Cheers to new friends, meaning making, and the beginning of something new!

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